Hoy os pongo una copia del artículo referente a septiembre que he tenido que escribir a ACE Japan (luego esta organización nos envía una revista con los textos de cada europeo). Añadiré información sobre el baseball cuando pueda (¡no puedo dejar de explicarlo con detalles!).
A normal day + extras
Pink Panther theme sounds. Sergi stops his alarm clock and comes back to bed. セルジ、はよ起きなさーい! It's my hostmother with her mixture of osaka-ben and standard Japanese, I had fallen asleep again... I put on my Japanese traditional school uniform, eat my breakfast (rice with nori, miso soup and sometimes nashi) and go to school. I take the subway, and I'm the only westerner in the wagon. In Barcelona's subway I'm always the only Spanish too, so I'm used to it. I arrive at Tenmabashi station and walk to school. A funny man shouts "おはよっ、おはよーう!", I get in and change my shoes.
In class, when the teacher has already come and the bell rung, everybody bows and says something that sounds like "msmass", supposed to be "onegai shimasu" or "ohayô gozaimasu" (the second one only before homeroom time). セルジ君、 今寝てあかんで。 It's my maths teacher, waking me up (he only speaks Ôsaka-ben, and I love it). I, I was just relaxing my eyes! Maybe then, after bowing and saying "msmass" again (this time supposed to be "arigatô gozaimashita"), I go to PE. We all begin doing very funny stretchings at the same time while saying "ich, ni, san, shi! / go, rok, shich, hach!" and, then, we practice jûdô. Of course I always win.
Next hour I go to the library, where I spend the hours of those classes I'm not able to attend. Sometimes I find there my Austrian mate, Mathias. We open our books and chat. Of course our conversation is about our open books (well, I say we should read them and he says we shouldn't, but never mind, we know they exist).
At lunchtime, about two hours earlier than in Spain, we eat our obentô. Mine usually consists in rice and something else, probably a food related to soybean (everything here is made from this vegetable). Hahaha, just kidding, I usually have meat and vegetables too, so my lunch is very well-balanced (though maybe I'd prefer to eat it hot, but anyway, I like it very much).
In the afternoon there are two more classes. The first one is music. We sing "Oh, happy day", and of course I sing it an octave below than Japanese boys, so I feel a little embarrassed. Last class is world history. Even in Japan students fall asleep when hearing about ancient civilizations! By the way, in Spain, there are mainly two kinds of students: the students who listen to the teacher and the students who chat with their friends. In Japan, there are also two kinds: the students who listen and the students who sleep.
After school, almost everybody goes to do a club activity. I joined the brass band, and I began playing the trumpet. I've been practicing for about three weeks, but I can play it like Louis Armstrong (in his first day of trumpet class...).
Afterwards I come home, where I basically read my email, have dinner, chat with my hostmother, try to learn as much Osaka-ben as I can and take a bus. A bath, sorry. Next day it's more or less the same.
Now I'd like to make a quick list of the places I visited and the activities I did. Theater noh: extremely boring, three hours! And it was supposed to be an entertainment for bored people in Japanese castles! Well, it's Japanese culture, so it was interesting anyway. Arima Onsen: really relaxing. Kôbe: nice western style buildings. I felt happy (and surprised) when I saw Catalonia's shield in two houses that belonged to English men about 100 years ago. Fishing in Wakayama prefecture: just great! Watching a baseball match at Kôshien stadium (Holy Hanshin Taigaas vs. Hiroshima Crap. Carp, sorry): REALLY EXCITING, specially when Toritani did a home run and when everybody sang Rokkô Oroshi at the end!
Now, a quick list of things I miss. My saxophone, my mother's paella, llonganissa (a meat similar to salami, chorizo or fuet), jamón (Spanish raw ham), wine, cava (Catalan champagne), going out with my friends from 11.00 PM, speaking Catalan, people disturbing the teacher in class, and not treating teachers like superior beings.
Finally I'd like to thank Paulina and Hlin for meeting Mathias and I; Eva, for coming to Osaka and sending me emails; Isabel and Georgiana, for our telephone conversations. I'm very happy of keeping in touch with you!
Warm regards,
02 d’octubre, 2006
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15 comentaris:
Hi, Sergi-kun. I found a couple of interesting points in your, let's say, report :D
1) then, we practice jûdô. Of course I always win.
What!? Are you sure that you win or maybe your wabisabised classmates let you win? :D
I'd like to check your Judo proficiency but, fortunately for you, I've not idea about Judo... so you can breath a sigh of relief (muhahaha)
2) Fishing in Wakayama prefecture: just great!
Wakayama ka...? Sorry, but I cannot avoid to shiver when I read this name.
Robo, no te metas con nuestro infiltrado, recuerda que ha sido entrenado especialmente para la tarea que ha de acometer XD. Si quieres un sparring, cro que aún recuerdo alguna que otra cosa de Taekwondo ;P
Sergi,sobre todo recuerda las sabias palabras de carrot0816: "Tu, siempre di que eres del último curso, no seas cono" XD.
Sí!!! Sabia que tard o d'hora cauries i et faries fan de Hanshin. Ja tinc algú amb qui cantar Rokko Oroshi a les cimeres. "Kaaagayaaku wagaanazo Hanshiiiiin Taigaaaaaas" ♪~θ(^0^ )( ^0^)θ~♪
Aquest any cuanyar la lliga està difícil, però no es rendim. Akiramehen! Ja saps el motto de Hanshin: "Never never never surrender". Si diem never tres cops no és perquè sí...
Jo aniré aquesta setmana a veure'ls al Meiji Jingu, que hi fan una sèrie contra Yakult. A veure si Hiroshima ens ajuda guanyant a Chunichi i acabem la setmana primers.
Ay Mr. Robo... Lo decía irónicamente...
Kodo, ets el meu ídol. Com és que t'has après els números del carrot? o______________O
Ara, que l'Spitz sigui tan Hanshin Tigero sí que m'ha sorprès. ¿¡Però tu no ets a Tôkyô!? XD Com és que se t'ha enganxat aquesta afició? Bé, em sorprèn, però també m'alegra! :D
Sergi Sptiz venia de fàbrica així. XD
El número del carrot es un codi postal, i ara només són cuatre xifres, ara per la nova feina haig de revisar codis entre 4 y 8 xifres que és corresponen a les poblacions i seccions de catalunya, així que es pràctica tans sols...;P
Home, Sergi, ja em diràs quines opcions tinc a Tokyo.
1) Kyojin? L'equip més prepotent de tot Japó? No.
2) Yakult? Els fans més avorrits de l'arxipèlag? (Ui, qué diver, obrim un paraigües quan el nostre equip anota) No.
3) Seibu? Animar l'equivalent d'El Corte Inglés? No.
Cap ni un es pot comparar amb l'experiència de veure un partit des de l'oendan de Hanshin.
Moero!( シ^^)ツ
Warera no Taigaasu!
"ヾ(^O^ )ノ KO!KO!Giants!( シ^O^)ノ"
Anin-chan, lo que pasa es que repaso y rerepaso el texto 50000 veces... Y seguro que me dejo muchos errores, pero me da igual si la gente me entiende.
¿Cómo han empezado las clases de la EOI? ¡Cuenta cuenta! Y no me digas ahora que han empezado cuando la profesora ha entrado a clase, que te veo las intenciones de hacer la bromita tonta. :P ¿Con un "kiritsu!/rei!", tal vez?
Yo creo que te pareces a Hulk por lo de increíble. xDDDD Perdón, pero es que me lo has puesto tan fácil que no me he podido contener de soltar esta chorrada. :P
Spitz, i als fans de Seibu no els regalen vals de descompte o alguna cosa per l'estil? Jajajaja, m'alegra que siguis fan dels Hanshin. ;-)
Doncs mira, quan l'equip guanya la lliga sí que fan rebaixes especials.
Ara que ho penso, el súper on vaig a comprar jo és del grup Seibu, o sigui que potser sí que em sortiria a compte animarlos. (・ε・?
Estás sugiriendo acaso que los profes no somos seres superiores??? じょうーーだん(^-^)
Todos no, pero tu sí, no te preocupes. ;D
Ei Sergi!
Nano, això sí que és un domini de l'anglès!!!I sort que no dius més coses en japonès, perquè també em tornaria verda com en Ricardo: o bé per un atac d'enveja o bé intentant entendre't! Gràcies per la teva solidaritat amb aquells que encara tirem amb el japo de classe d'EOI!
Bé, ja aniré traient el cap per aquest blog tant sergitxà. El cert és que dius coses molt bones!
Hola Sergi!
Come va ad Osaka?
todo bien?
Saluti da giorgio...itaria-jin
neng, a ver si actualizamos ....
Grazie per scrivire, Giorgio!
Buchi, una vez más, te voy a hacer caso. ;)
Ostres, no havia vist el teu missatge, Sira! Merci per passar-te pel blog!
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