19 de setembre, 2006


Hello again.

First of all I`d like to apologize for my last post. I know I was too rude, and I also know I shouldn`t have written those kinds of things. But please, believe me, that day I was really fed up of the Japanese behavior, and I needed to show you my feelings in order to vent my anger. Of course next day everything was normal again (except my muscles), so it was just a bad day. I`m sorry if I offended you.

Ups, sorry, iba a contar un poco lo que me ha pasado esta pasada semana y media, pero creo que no tengo tiempo. Pronto lo redactare, don`t worry.



1 comentari:

Sergi ha dit...

Anda ya, para una palabra que busco en el denshijisho y te me ries. Eres cruel.
